
Awesome Family & Friends

To my AMAZING family & friends,

It is so amazing to me that when you need it the most people always come through. I came home from work today to find NEW windows in the baby's room! All of you homeowners out there will understand how precious this gift is. I had been complaining to my dad about finishing the house and talking (which w/ dad means just a few words until it gets low level emotional and then subject changing) about loosing Nick. So he arranged with Ty to come over today and secretly put in the windows we had ordered. It was like Christmas in May. Then when I went to get the mail there was a package on my doorstep and when I opened it there was a baby gift anonymously sent by one of my friends! Most of my good friends live in other states or a closest Portland, so they have been sending me anonymous gifts and puzzle pieces in the mail. Which makes me cry just to think about how thoughtful and generous that is!

I am so blessed and so thankful for all of the wonderful people in my life.


1 comment:

Stefanie said...

Presents showing up on your doorstep -yahoo. Can't get much more exciting than that ... I get pumped about "real mail". Having babies makes people extra generous - it's so fun.

So sorry to hear about the tragedy in losing a friend.