
22 weeks

Today wasn't my best day. Well it really started last night when I raced back to McMinnville to get to a shop in time to grab some last minute supplies for a Leadership Conference at work. The shop of course was closed by the time I got there meaning that before 11am I needed to have (and enjoy) my ultrasound appointment with Ty and my mom, revise a document for work, go to the bead shop, stop by the grocery store, and drive the 40 minutes to work. I should have seen the writing on the wall. I wake up this morning and realize that I have two times written down for the appointment...call the Dr. and they inform me that the ultrasound person called in sick. Uugggg! The rest went fairly downhill from there. I did make it to work at 11:01 am, and spent the next 3 hours interviewing candidates for an open position at work. Fun times.

The moral of my story is that I don't have any fun baby pictures to post and I was so depressed over the whole ordeal that I didn't feel cute enough to take my own picture...for the bump progress. I am sure that tomorrow will be a much better day.

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