
Lazy Saturdays

I thought I would write really quickly before I jump in the shower to get ready for the day (yes at 2 pm!). There are a few things that I have grown to absolutely love, one being having nothing to do on Saturday. Ty's friend Joe from Texas was suppose to be here this weekend, but unfortunately was hurt pretty badly in a wake boarding accident so he stayed home. As bummed as we were to find that out, it left us both with a Saturday completely free of anything to do. The old Molly would have definitely ran errands, and kept myself busy all day long. Instead I slept in (or laid in bed) until 9:20 a.m., lazily made breakfast, watched some music videos w/ Ty, looked at a few garage sales, stopped by our local re-sale store, went on a walk, searched the Internet for fun baby stuff, and watered my flowers. Some of you are probably wondering why I would write this out, really it is just to prove to those who know me well that I really can relax and be lazy.

So now I am going to get ready because my dad is BBQing in S-town before the big Sheridan Days Parade. I haven't been to Sheridan Days in approximately 8-10 years, so I am bound to have some fabulous stories (maybe even a picture or two) when I return. Oh...Ty has never been to Sheridan Days, which is the little "festival" (i.e. carnies, fried food, beer garden, parade) in my hometown. Boy is he in for a treat! Don't get me wrong, I love my little town, but events like this bring out the true townies and some of the best reminiscent people watching around.

Happy Saturday!


Stefanie said...

Oh man...is it bad to say enjoy/relish/take it all in now!

I thought my Sat. was a bit lazy, just because my mom-in-law took Maisie for a good portion of the day:) and I only had two kiddos!

No, seriously, you deserve those type of days - being pregnant is exhausting.

I'm guessing boy - your belly looks like my sister's when she had her first child - boy! :)

Anonymous said...

I love your list of "lazy" things you did...still more than I would accomplish on a lazy saturday

Anonymous said...

mol i really think we could go another 8 years without going to the good ol sheridan days! but it did give me a good laugh.

Heather said...

I am glad you are relaxing...but it is a Molly version of doing nothing :)